Train up a child


# "Guiding Our Children Towards Prosperity:

The Christian Path to Financial Wisdom"

## Train up a child in the way they should go.

In a world where the currents of consumerism and instant gratification run deep, guiding our children towards sound financial stewardship is akin to handing them the compass for navigating life's tumultuous waters.

As we embark on this journey together, let's embrace the wisdom nestled within Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This ancient adage isn't just about morality; it's a clarion call to instil a legacy of financial wisdom and kingdom lifestyle in our children.

## Generational Blessings through Christian Financial Training.

Our legacy is more than the wealth we leave behind; it's the wisdom we impart. Engaging in Christian financial training is not just about teaching our children to save or tithe; it's about declaring the Lord's purpose over their lives and guiding them to live in alignment with His blessings.

Imagine the impact of a generation that handles resources, not as owners, but as stewards of God's abundance. It's about creating an overflow, much like the lakes on Mount Snowdon, filled and nourished by streams of wisdom, eventually overflowing into the lives around them.

## Understanding the Different Types of People and Their Relationship with Money.

Money, or rather mammon, seeks to ensnare us into believing that our worth is tied to our wealth. From the enslaved and the poor to the well-off, each group's interaction with money reveals deeper heart issues. We are called to break free from the shackles of mammon, recognizing that our true value and contentment come from serving the Lord, not wealth.

As we journey through understanding these relationships with money, we find the path to true financial freedom lies in serving God and making money serve His purposes.

## Escaping the Traps of Mammon through Biblical Principles.

Escaping the grip of mammon requires more than just financial literacy; it demands a heart transformation. The Lord challenges us to test Him, promising that if we do, He will open the floodgates of heaven (Malachi 3:10). This isn't merely about financial provision; it's about stepping into a lifestyle of trust, where prevention of losses and the overflow of blessings become our reality. It's about aligning our lifestyle with God's purpose, leading to peace and contentment.

## The Importance of Wealth Producing Assets and Liabilities in Financial Stewardship.

The rich understand something crucial: the difference between wealth-producing assets and liabilities. This knowledge is pivotal in stewarding God's resources wisely. Liabilities drain our lake, while assets are the streams that fill it.

Teaching our children to discern between the two, empowers them to build a legacy of abundance. From stocks and shares to businesses and royalties, let's guide them to invest in streams that will continually nourish their financial lake, and more importantly, enable them to bless others.

In our quest to train up a child in the way they should go, we are not just preparing them for financial independence; we are equipping them to live a life of purpose, under God's blessing.

Let us be diligent in this sacred task, nurturing a generation that knows how to wield wealth with wisdom and generosity. Together, we can forge a legacy that will ripple through generations, all for God's glory.

## Generational Blessings through Christian financial training.

### Declaring the Lord's Purpose.

In the journey of parenting, declaring the Lord's purpose over our children's lives is paramount. This transcends mere words; it involves nurturing their hearts in the understanding that they are stewards of the Almighty's resources. As we guide them to discern God's voice and His calling, we are setting the foundation for a life that is not just about accumulating wealth, but about fulfilling their divine destiny.

This alignment with God's purpose is what transforms ordinary lives into vessels of extraordinary blessings. It's about seeing every talent, resource, and opportunity through the lens of stewardship and kingdom service.

### Training in Kingdom Lifestyle.

Training our children in a kingdom lifestyle means embedding the principles of Christian stewardship and generosity into their daily lives. It's teaching them that tithing, saving, and giving are not just financial strategies, but acts of worship and obedience to God.

We model for them how to live contentedly within their means, making wise decisions that reflect their stewardship of God's gifts. This training is hands-on, involving real-life situations where they learn to trust God's provision, to save for future needs, and to give generously out of their abundance.

By doing so, we are equipping them with the compass to navigate life's financial waters, ensuring they do not drift into the currents of consumerism and debt.

### Leaving a Good Inheritance.

Leaving a good inheritance goes beyond the financial assets we pass down to our children. It encompasses the legacy of wisdom, faith, and character. A good inheritance is one that equips our children to handle wealth wisely, to invest in what matters eternally, and to continue the generational blessings.

It's about passing on the baton of faithfulness, showing them that their true inheritance is their relationship with God, and how they manage His blessings to further His kingdom. This legacy is what will enable them to stand firm in a world that measures success by material wealth, knowing that their worth is found in their identity as children of God.

### Nurturing Generosity and Stewardship.

At the heart of Christian financial training is nurturing a spirit of generosity and stewardship in our children. We teach them that everything they have is entrusted to them by God, and with this trust comes the responsibility to give, not just from their surplus, but sacrificially.

This principle of generosity is what sets the foundation for a life that is not consumed by the accumulation of wealth but is fulfilled in using that wealth to bless others. As they grow in understanding and practicing stewardship, they become conduits of God's blessings, learning to live with open hands, ready to receive and give as the Lord leads.

This lifestyle of generosity and stewardship is what will enable them to experience the true joy and purpose of wealth, as they see how it can be used to make a difference in the lives of those around them and for the glory of God.

## Understanding the distinct types of people and their relationship with money.

In our journey through life, we encounter various individuals, each with their unique relationship with money. It's essential to recognize these distinctions, not to judge, but to understand and perhaps guide our children towards a healthier financial mindset. Let's delve into the distinct types of people and how mammon seeks to define their lives:

- **The Slave**:

Bound by circumstances, often finding themselves in situations beyond their control, such as being lured by the promise of a better lifestyle only to be caught in the web of people trafficking. Their interaction with money is marked by fear and a lack of freedom. Teaching our children empathy and awareness of these situations can instil a sense of gratitude and responsibility towards their own financial stewardship.

- **The Poor**:

Living pay cheque to pay cheque, with no clear path out of their financial rut. Their relationship with money is defined by scarcity and a constant struggle to make ends meet. This group often sees no value in planning for the future, as their present is consumed by financial survival. By exposing our children to the concept of budgeting and the power of saving, even in small amounts, we can inspire hope and practical steps towards financial freedom.

- **The Payment-Bound**:

Those who earn but live beyond their means, entrapped by debts and loans for instant gratification. Their fear of losing job security adds to their financial stress. In teaching our children the value of patience and the virtue of living within one's means, we equip them with the tools to avoid such traps.

-**The Well off**:

A married couple, both working and striving for acceptance within their affluent community, stretching beyond their means to "keep up with the jones's". Afraid of losing their well-paid job or falling sick and dropping behind their neighbours in the pursuit of top dog.

Teaching our children the importance of patience and contentment, so they can enjoy each moment of their working lives.

-**The Wealthy**:

They live off the investments made by their parents, not needing to work they struggle with the concept of the value of money and the purpose of their lives. Seeking entertainment through foreign holidays and good causes their days are lost in the fog of aimless living.

Our children need to learn the value of money from an early age and the importance of finding their purpose in life.

Each type's relationship with money showcases a deeper need for identity, security, and purpose that goes beyond mere financial literacy. As we guide our children, it's crucial to address these underlying issues, teaching them to find their worth in God and not in their material possessions. By doing so, we prepare them for a life of financial stewardship that honours God and serves His kingdom purposes.

## Escaping the traps of mammon through biblical principles.

In navigating our financial journey, it's paramount we recognize that escaping the traps of mammon isn't solely a matter of practical financial literacy; it's deeply rooted in a transformative shift within our hearts.

The Bible, in Malachi 3:10, offers us a divine challenge, "Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

This promise transcends mere material provision; it's an invitation to trust in God's provision and guidance, leading us to a life where our resources overflow in service to His kingdom. Here, we discover the essence of financial freedom: aligning our hearts and resources with God's purposes, resulting in a peace and contentment that the world cannot offer.

To embark on this journey of liberation from mammon, let us consider these biblical principles:

**Tithing and Generosity**:

Begin with the practice of tithing, giving the first fruits of our increase as an act of worship and trust in God's provision. This act of faith opens the windows of heaven, setting the stage for God's blessing over the rest of our resources. Beyond tithing, embrace a lifestyle of generosity, understanding that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. This creates a cycle of blessing that not only enriches our lives but also the lives of those around us.

**Stewardship Over Ownership**:

Cultivate the mindset that we are stewards, not owners, of our resources. This perspective shift is crucial; it reminds us that everything we have is given by God and should be used according to His purposes. It teaches us to hold our possessions loosely and to make decisions that honour God's kingdom values.

**Biblical Wisdom and Counsel**:

Seek wisdom and counsel from the Scriptures and godly mentors in financial matters. The Bible is replete with principles on handling wealth and resources wisely. Surrounding ourselves with a community that upholds these values reinforces our resolve to escape the grip of mammon and to live according to God's financial principles.

**Contentment and Trust**:

Learn to live in contentment and trust in the Lord for our needs. The Apostle Paul speaks of learning to be content in any and every situation. This contentment is not complacency but a deep-seated trust that God will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory. It frees us from the perpetual dissatisfaction that drives the consumerist cycle and allows us to rest in God's faithful provision.

As we adhere to these biblical principles, our lives begin to reflect a profound truth: we are not defined by our wealth or possessions but by our relationship with the Creator. He calls us to a life that is not ensnared by the deceitfulness of riches but is rich towards God.

This journey towards financial freedom is not a solitary endeavour; it's a communal voyage, where we support and uplift one another towards living a life that glorifies God in every aspect, including our finances. Let us, therefore, encourage one another as we navigate this path, ensuring that our legacy is not one of worldly wealth, but of heavenly treasures and eternal impact.

## The importance of wealth producing assets and liabilities in financial stewardship.

In conclusion, as we journey through the sacred task of guiding our children toward sound financial stewardship, we unlock the door to a future brimming with purpose and prosperity. By adopting the principles of Christian financial training, we're not just teaching them how to manage money but instilling in them a legacy of wisdom, stewardship, and kingdom living.

Our discussions have spanned the gamut from recognizing the different relationships people have with money to understanding the significance of wealth-producing assets and liabilities. At every turn, we've seen how these lessons are deeply intertwined with living a life that honours God and serves His kingdom.

Through the lens of biblical wisdom, we've explored how to escape the traps of mammon, emphasizing that our worth and contentment spring from our relationship with God, not our financial status. In a world that often equates success with financial accumulation, we've charted a different course—one that values stewardship, generosity, and trust in God's provision.

The key takeaway is that Christian financial training goes beyond dollars and cents; it's about nurturing a heart of wisdom, trust, and generosity in our children. By teaching them the difference between assets and liabilities, guiding them to make money serve God's purposes, and instilling in them the value of serving rather than owning, we prepare them for a life of abundance that blesses others.

Let us, therefore, commit to this noble endeavour with dedication, love, and prayer, knowing that our efforts will bear fruit not just for a season, but for generations to come.

Together, let's forge a legacy of financial wisdom and kingdom living, all for God's glory. The journey is long and the path sometimes steep, but the rewards are eternal. In training up our children in the way they should go, we are doing far more than preparing them for financial independence; we are equipping them to live lives of eternal significance.

## FAQ

### FAQ

**Q: What is Christian financial training? **

A: Christian financial training is an approach to managing money that combines traditional financial wisdom with biblical principles. It emphasizes stewardship, generosity, and aligning one's financial practices with God's purposes, teaching individuals to handle resources as stewards of God's abundance rather than owners.

**Q: Why is it important to train children in financial wisdom from a Christian perspective? **

A: Training children in Christian financial wisdom is crucial because it equips them not just for financial independence, but for a life of purpose under God's blessing. It instils in them the values of stewardship, generosity, and reliance on God, helping them navigate life's challenges with faith and wisdom.

**Q: How can we break free from the traps of mammon? **

A: Breaking free from the traps of mammon involves a heart transformation and embracing biblical principles. It means recognizing that our worth is not tied to our wealth and that true contentment comes from serving the Lord. By prioritizing our relationship with God over material wealth, we can escape the grip of mammon.

**Q: What is the difference between wealth-producing assets and liabilities? **

A: Wealth-producing assets are investments that generate income or appreciate in value over time, contributing to one's financial stability and ability to bless others. Liabilities, on the other hand, drain financial resources. Teaching children to discern between the two is key to building a legacy of abundance.

**Q: How can Christian financial training impact future generations? **

A: Christian financial training has the potential to create a generational blessing. By imparting wisdom that aligns with God's purposes, we prepare the next generation to live a life of purpose, generosity, and stewardship. This not only affects their personal success but also enables them to be a blessing to others, extending the impact through generations for God's glory.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network