Stir up the Gifts of the Holy Spirit


# Unleashing the Power: 

How to Stir Up the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

## 1. Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Gifts.

Spiritual gifts are like hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered within each of us. They are divine endowments bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit, designed to edify and strengthen the body of Christ.

In this blog post, we will delve into the depths of what it means to stir up these gifts within us and unleash their power for the glory of God. Let's embark on a journey of discovery and activation, exploring the intricate tapestry of spiritual gifts and how they can transform our lives and those around us.

Are you ready to unlock the potential within you and step into the fullness of your spiritual gifts? Join us as we uncover the mystery and beauty of the gifts of the Holy Spirit together.

## 2. Activating the Gifts Within Us.

Are you ready to unlock the dormant potential within you and activate the divine gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit? It's time to stir up the spiritual treasures hidden deep within your soul and unleash their power for the glory of God. We are all vessels waiting to be filled with the supernatural gifts that enable us to walk in the fullness of our calling and purpose.

### Embrace Your Identity as a Carrier of Spiritual Gifts.

As believers, we are carriers of the spiritual gifts that have been graciously given to us by the Holy Spirit. It's essential to recognize and acknowledge the unique gifts that reside within us, waiting to be activated and utilized for the benefit of the body of Christ.

By embracing our identity as vessels of God's power, we step into a realm of supernatural empowerment and authority that enables us to impact the world around us.

### Step Out in Faith and Boldness.

Activating spiritual gifts requires a bold step of faith and a willingness to step out of our comfort zone. It's time to break free from the chains of fear and timidity that hold us back from operating in the fullness of our gifts. By stepping out in faith, we open ourselves up to the limitless possibilities of what God can do through us when we yield to His Spirit and allow Him to work through us in powerful ways.

### Cultivate a Lifestyle of Prayer and Intimacy with God.

One of the most effective ways to activate and stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us is through a lifestyle of prayer and intimacy with God. As we spend time in His presence, seeking His face and listening to His voice, we create an atmosphere where the gifts can flow freely and uninhibited. Prayer is the key that unlocks the door to the supernatural realm, where we can access the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit to impact our lives and the lives of those around us.

## 3. Developing the Gifts Through Practice.

As we journey towards uncovering and activating our spiritual gifts, it is essential to understand that development requires practice and dedication. By engaging in regular and intentional exercises, we can cultivate and strengthen the gifts that lie dormant within us. Let's explore practical steps for nurturing these divine endowments and allowing them to flourish for the glory of God:

- **Consistent Prayer: ** Regular communication with God through prayer is key to developing our spiritual gifts. It opens channels of connection and receptivity to the Holy Spirit, enabling us to discern and operate in the gifts He has bestowed upon us.

- **Seeking Understanding: ** Delve into the Word of God to gain insight and wisdom regarding the spiritual gifts. By studying and meditating on scripture, we can deepen our understanding of how these gifts operate and how we can effectively utilize them.

- **Community Engagement: ** Surround yourself with fellow believers who can encourage, challenge, and support you in your journey of developing spiritual gifts. Engaging in community activities, such as small group discussions or prayer meetings, can create an atmosphere conducive to growth and activation.

In the pursuit of developing our spiritual gifts, it is crucial to remain faithful and diligent in our practice. By actively engaging with the gifts entrusted to us, we demonstrate our willingness to be used by God for His divine purposes.

Let's embrace the journey of growth and transformation, knowing that through practice and perseverance, our spiritual gifts will blossom and bring glory to the One who has gifted us with such treasures.

## 4. The Role of Prophets in Stirring Up Gifts.

In the journey of uncovering and activating our spiritual gifts, the role of prophets stands out as pivotal. Prophets are divinely appointed individuals who possess a unique ability to discern and alter spiritual atmospheres.

Their presence can create an environment conducive to the manifestation of spiritual gifts, allowing others to step into their own giftings more easily. It is through their insight and guidance that believers can be encouraged and empowered to stir up the gifts within them.

  • Prophets serve as catalysts for spiritual growth and development, acting as channels through which the Holy Spirit can work to stir up the gifts within individuals. Their prophetic declarations have the power to shift spiritual dynamics, opening doors for the manifestation of spiritual gifts in both personal and corporate settings.

By heeding their counsel and wisdom, believers can navigate the complexities of their spiritual journey and unlock hidden potentials.

  • The spirit of prophecy that accompanies prophets plays a crucial role in creating an atmosphere of faith and expectancy. This spirit enables believers to tap into the supernatural realm and operate in their spiritual gifts with boldness and clarity.

As prophets release prophetic decrees and declarations, they pave the way for others to embrace their calling and step into the fullness of their giftings.

In the tapestry of spiritual gifts, prophets emerge as guiding lights, leading the way for believers to explore and activate their God-given abilities. Their presence is a reminder of the continuous work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, stirring up the gifts within us and propelling us towards greater levels of spiritual maturity.

As we embrace the role of prophets in our journey of spiritual growth, we open ourselves up to a realm of possibilities where divine interventions and supernatural manifestations become a reality.

## 5. Overcoming Historical Misunderstandings.

In the rich tapestry of spiritual gifts, there have been historical misunderstandings that have hindered believers from fully embracing the power and potential of these divine endowments. **One such misunderstanding is the passive approach adopted by some Pentecostal churches, where believers were taught to wait for the Holy Spirit to manifest before operating in their gifts. ** This misconception has led to missed opportunities and a lack of active engagement with the gifts that believers already possess.

However, it is essential to recognize that spiritual gifts are not sporadic manifestations that require divine intervention to activate. **The truth is that these gifts are already present within believers, waiting to be stirred up and utilized for the edification of the body of Christ. ** By overcoming historical misunderstandings and embracing a proactive approach to developing our gifts, we can unlock the full potential that lies dormant within us.

As we strive to overcome these historical misconceptions, we can step into a new reality where the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit empowers us to operate in our gifts with confidence and boldness. **It is crucial to move beyond the limitations of the past and embrace a fresh perspective on the availability and accessibility of spiritual gifts in our lives. ** By doing so, we can experience a renewed sense of purpose and impact in our journey of faith.

Let us embark on a journey of rediscovery and transformation, shedding the constraints of the past and embracing a new paradigm of active engagement with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. **By challenging the misconceptions that have held us back and stepping into a place of faith and expectancy, we can unleash the full potential of our spiritual gifts for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom. ** Are you ready to break free from historical limitations and embrace the empowering truth of the gifts that await you?

## 6. The Continuous Presence of the Holy Spirit.

### Embracing the Divine Within Us.

As believers, we are called to embrace the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit within us. This indwelling presence is not sporadic or fleeting but a constant companion in our journey of faith.

The Holy Spirit resides within us, ready to empower and equip us for the work set before us. We must acknowledge and nurture this divine presence, allowing it to guide and lead us in our pursuit of spiritual growth.

### Activating the Gifts Within.

When we acknowledge the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit, we open ourselves up to the activation of spiritual gifts. These gifts are not dormant or inaccessible but readily available for us to utilize.

By recognizing the Spirit's presence within us, we can tap into the power and potential of the gifts bestowed upon us. It is through this awareness and activation that we can experience the fullness of spiritual empowerment in our lives.

### Cultivating a Lifestyle of Sensitivity.

Living in tune with the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit requires a lifestyle of sensitivity and receptivity. We must cultivate a spirit of openness and attentiveness to the leading of the Spirit in our daily lives.

This sensitivity allows us to discern the promptings and nudges of the Holy Spirit, guiding us in the development and utilization of our spiritual gifts. As we attune our hearts to the Spirit's presence, we position ourselves to walk in alignment with His purposes for us.

### Stepping Into Greater Depths.

As we embrace the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit and activate our spiritual gifts, we are invited to step into greater depths of intimacy and partnership with Him. The Spirit longs to work in and through us, empowering us to impact the world around us for His glory.

By embracing this partnership and allowing the Spirit to work in our lives, we can experience a deeper connection with God and a greater outpouring of His gifts and blessings.

### Walking in Confidence and Boldness.

Walking in the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit enables us to walk in confidence and boldness, knowing that we are empowered by His Spirit. We can approach every situation with faith and assurance, knowing that the Spirit within us is greater than any challenge we may face.

As we continue to stir up the gifts of the Spirit within us and walk in alignment with His leading, we can step into the fullness of our calling and make a lasting impact on the world around us.

## 7. Practical Steps for Developing Spiritual Gifts.

In conclusion, discovering and activating the gifts of the Holy Spirit is not just a one-time event, but a continuous journey of growth and development. By understanding the concept of spiritual gifts, and actively seeking to stir them up within us, we can unlock the full potential of these divine endowments.

Through practice and perseverance, we can cultivate and refine our gifts, using them to edify and strengthen the body of Christ. Prophets play a crucial role in guiding and encouraging us on this journey, while historical misunderstandings can be overcome through a deeper understanding of the gifts.

The Holy Spirit is always present, ready to empower and equip us for the work set before us. By following practical steps and remaining open to the leading of the Spirit, we can step into the fullness of our spiritual gifts, transforming our lives and the lives of those around us for the glory of God. Are you ready to embark on this journey of discovery and activation? Let's unlock the hidden treasures within us and unleash the power of the Holy Spirit together.

## FAQ.

### What are spiritual gifts and how can we stir them up?

Spiritual gifts are divine endowments bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit to edify and strengthen the body of Christ. To stir up these gifts means to activate and develop them within ourselves to unleash their power for God's glory.

### How can we activate the gifts within us?

By understanding the concept of spiritual gifts, practicing and developing them, and seeking guidance from prophets, we can activate the gifts within us. It requires a willingness to step into the fullness of our gifts and a continuous presence of the Holy Spirit.

### What role do prophets play in stirring up gifts?

Prophets can play a crucial role in guiding and encouraging believers to stir up their spiritual gifts. Their insights and revelations can help believers unlock their potential and develop their gifts for the benefit of the body of Christ.

### What are some practical steps for developing spiritual gifts?

Practical steps for developing spiritual gifts include prayer, seeking mentorship, studying scripture, and actively using and honing the gifts we have been given. It requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to step out in faith to see the gifts manifest in our lives.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network