Climbing life's mountains


# Climbing Life's Mountains:

The Unyielding Promise of God's Provision

## The Lord Will Provide.

In moments of uncertainty and trial, it's easy to feel alone, navigating the vast wilderness of our fears and doubts. Yet, there's a profound truth that has echoed through the ages, bringing hope and reassurance to countless souls: The Lord will provide.

This isn't merely a phrase to whisper in times of need but a promise that underpins our very existence and our journey through life. In this blog post, we'll explore the multifaceted dimensions of God's provision, from the sacrifices we're called to make to the mountains of influence we're destined to climb.

Join us as we delve into the biblical narrative of Abraham, a story that exemplifies faith, obedience, and the unwavering provision of the Lord.

### Sacrifice and Vision.

Our journey often entails sacrifices, moments when we're called to offer up that which is most dear to us. Consider Abraham, who faced the ultimate test: sacrificing his long-awaited son, Isaac. This narrative prompts us to reflect on our own lives.

Have our dreams or visions become idols, taking precedence over our willingness to obey God?

Sacrifice, in its truest form, is about surrendering our most cherished possessions and ambitions back to the Creator, trusting Him to do what's best. It's in this act of faith we find our hearts tested and our spirits refined.

### Finding Your Mountain of Influence.

We all have a mountain to climb, a realm of influence where we're called to make a difference. The concept of 'Metron' - finding our place of influence - is crucial. It's on these mountains of society that we're meant to shine, to wield authority, and to foster change. But where is your mountain?

Is it in business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, or religion? Identifying our mountain is the first step towards fulfilling our God-given calling.

### The Seven Mountains of Influence in Culture.

In 1975, a divine revelation was shared with Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham, and later with Francis Schaeffer: to impact a nation for Jesus Christ, we must engage with the seven mountains of influence that shape society.

These mountains - business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion - are not just sectors of society; they are arenas of battle where culture is won or lost. As followers of Christ, we're called to ascend these mountains, bringing light to the darkness and influencing them for the kingdom of God.

### The Act of Worship and Worth ship.

True worship costs something. Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac was an act of worship, a demonstration of his faith and obedience. Worship is about assigning worth to God, acknowledging His supremacy through our sacrifices.

It's a powerful exchange where our devotion meets God's faithfulness. As we build altars in our lives, in the places God has called us to, our acts of worship become memorials of God's provision and faithfulness.

### Protection and Provision.

In the story of Abraham and Isaac, we witness a beautiful unfoldment of God's protection and provision. Just as Abraham's hand was stayed from harming Isaac, God often shields us from unseen dangers.

Moreover, He provides for our needs in miraculous ways, turning what seems like an attack into a blessing in disguise. The Lord's provision comes in many forms, sometimes as a ram caught in a thicket, ready to be the sacrifice we didn't know we needed.

In closing, let us remember that our journey through life, with its sacrifices and challenges, is not a solitary one. We are called to climb our mountains of influence, to worship with our whole hearts, and to trust in God's protection and provision.

The Lord will provide, not just in our times of need, but in every step we take. Let this assurance fill us with hope and propel us forward, as we seek to fulfil our divine calling and make an impact on the world around us.


### The Lord Will Provide.

In the tapestry of life, woven with threads of challenges and triumphs, there's a reassuring constant: the Lord's unwavering provision. It's a concept that transcends mere sustenance, reaching into the depths of our spiritual journey, guiding us through the valleys and peaks that define our existence.

This promise of provision isn't just about meeting our physical needs but encompasses the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual nourishment necessary for our souls' growth and fulfilment. As we navigate the complexity of our days, this divine assurance acts as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path ahead and reminding us that we are never truly alone.

### Sacrifice and Vision.

The essence of sacrifice, as demonstrated by Abraham's profound obedience, invites us to ponder the depth of our own faith. Have we placed our dreams, aspirations, or even relationships on pedestals, allowing them to overshadow our commitment to God?

The act of relinquishing our most prized possessions at the altar of faith is a profound declaration of our trust in God's sovereignty. It's a journey of surrender, where we learn to release our tight grip on the steering wheel of life, acknowledging that the ultimate driver is much more capable.

This surrender isn't a sign of weakness but a powerful gesture of faith, acknowledging that what we offer up to God will ultimately lead us to our true purpose and destiny.

### Finding Your Mountain of Influence.

Each one of us is called to conquer our own mountains, to stand at the pinnacle of our God-given metron, and to shine our light where darkness prevails. Identifying our mountain of influence is a journey of self-discovery, guided by prayer and introspection. It's about recognizing where our passions and talents intersect with God's divine plan.

Whether our battlefield lies in the corridors of education, the boardrooms of business, or the creative studios of arts and entertainment, we are equipped with unique gifts meant to bring about change. Climbing these mountains isn't just about personal achievement; it's a mission to transform, to serve, and to glorify God in every action we take.

### The Act of Worship and Worth ship.

Worship in its most authentic form requires sacrifice—a laying down of our desires, ambitions, and sometimes, the very blessings we've received. Abraham's altar wasn't built from the remnants of his failures but from the very symbol of God's promise to him—his son, Isaac.

This profound act of worship was a testament to Abraham's faith, a worth ship that placed God's will above everything else. In our lives, building altars might not involve such dramatic sacrifices, but the principle remains the same.

It's about offering our best, our first fruits, back to God, acknowledging His lordship over our lives. When we worship in spirit and truth, we create a memorial of God's faithfulness, a testament to His provision and protection over us.

In weaving these principles into the fabric of our lives, we embrace a journey of faith that transcends the ordinary, stepping into the extraordinary promises God has for us. The path ahead may be fraught with challenges, but with the assurance that the Lord will provide, we can move forward with confidence, knowing that each step we take is guided by His unseen hand.

## - Sacrifice and Vision.

In our spiritual journey, we often encounter moments that demand sacrifice, where what is asked of us seems to pierce through the very essence of our dreams and desires. Reflect upon Abraham's story, a narrative steeped in faith and obedience. He was asked to sacrifice Isaac, the son he had yearned for, the embodiment of God's promise. This striking episode beckons us to introspect:

- **Have we placed our dreams above our obedience to God? ** It's a poignant question that unravels the depth of our faith. Our visions and aspirations, as noble as they may appear, can subtly morph into idols if we're not vigilant. They can overshadow our willingness to heed God's call, to walk in the path He has set before us.

- **Sacrifice as a Divine Test.** Abraham's willingness to surrender Isaac demonstrates a profound level of trust in God. This act was not about loss but about unyielding faith, about believing that God's plans transcend our understanding. It's a test of our allegiance to our Creator, a call to place our utmost trust in Him, even when the path seems shrouded in uncertainty.

- **Surrender Leads to Divine Provision. ** It is in the act of letting go, of offering our deepest treasures back to God, that we truly understand the nature of divine provision. Abraham's story culminates in God providing a ram for the sacrifice, a poignant reminder that when we obey, God not only meets our needs but does so abundantly. It's a powerful testament to the fact that our sacrifices, borne out of faith, lead to unimaginable blessings.

The essence of sacrifice and vision intertwines, crafting a narrative of trust, obedience, and eventual divine provision. It's a journey of relinquishing control, of entrusting our visions into God's hands, and watching Him work wonders beyond our comprehension.

As we navigate through the terrains of our calling, may we do so with a heart willing to sacrifice, to let go of our idols, and to embrace the fullness of God's vision for our lives.

## - Finding Your Mountain of Influence.

In the vast landscape of our lives, each of us is beckoned towards a specific mountain—a domain where our unique talents and passions intersect with our divine calling. Identifying our mountain of influence is akin to discovering a compass within us, one that guides us to where we can make the most significant impact.

This concept, intriguingly simple yet profoundly deep, beckons us to explore the very essence of our purpose on this earth. The journey towards finding this mountain may not be straightforward, but it is undoubtedly rewarding, filled with moments of self-discovery and divine revelation.

1. **Business**: For those drawn to the marketplace, the mountain of business offers vast opportunities to influence through ethical practices, innovation, and leadership. It's about creating wealth that can fund kingdom work and improve communities.

2. **Government**: This mountain calls for righteous leadership that can shape policies and laws reflecting God's justice and mercy. It's a sphere where the pursuit of peace and prosperity for all can be a reality.

3. **Media**: In today's digital age, the media mountain wields immense power in shaping public opinion and culture. Those called here are tasked with bringing truth, integrity, and wholesome content into our daily consumption.

4. **Arts and Entertainment**: This vibrant mountain is a playground for creativity, where beauty and messages of hope can profoundly touch hearts and minds, changing atmospheres and perspectives.

5. **Education**: Influencers on this mountain have the privilege of shaping young minds, instilling values, and imparting knowledge that prepares the next generation for their own mountains.

6. **Family**: The foundational unit of society, the family mountain, is where values are first learned, and love is nurtured. It's the training ground for future mountain climbers.

7. **Religion**: Finally, the mountain of religion is where spiritual truths are upheld and spread, providing a moral compass to society and connecting individuals to the divine.

Embarking on this journey requires introspection and prayer. It invites us to delve into our passions, talents, and those moments of unmistakable divine nudging. Finding your mountain isn't just about where you can succeed; it's about where you are called to serve.

It's in this service that we find our most profound influence, not by dominating but by transforming through love, integrity, and faith. The path to discovering your mountain may involve trial and error, moments of doubt, and leaps of faith, but it is also filled with growth, fulfilment, and the joy of contributing to something greater than ourselves.

As we navigate through these mountains of influence, it's crucial to remember that while the climb may be ours to make, we are never alone. The same God who called us to these mountains walks with us, equipping us with the strength, wisdom, and discernment needed for the journey ahead.

So, take heart. Embrace your mountain with courage and faith, knowing that in each step, you're fulfilling a part of your divine calling, lighting up the world in ways only you can.

## - The Seven Mountains of Influence in Culture.

In 1975, a pivotal moment in history occurred when Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham, followed by Francis Schaeffer, received a divine revelation that would reshape our understanding of societal influence. They discovered that to truly transform a nation for Jesus Christ, engagement with the seven critical mountains of influence—business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion—was non-negotiable.

**These mountains are not merely sectors; they represent the battlegrounds where the heart and soul of a society are moulded and defined. ** As believers, we are summoned to these peaks, not as tourists, but as change agents determined to infuse these spheres with the light and truth of the Gospel.

The concept of the Seven Mountains mandates a proactive stance towards culture and society. It's a call that urges us not to retreat from the world but to engage with it more deeply and meaningfully.

By identifying our specific mountain—or mountains—of influence, we align ourselves with God's purposes, becoming catalysts for spiritual awakening and societal transformation. **Our involvement in these areas can lead to a ripple effect, influencing others and turning the tide toward Godly values. ** Through this strategic engagement, we're not just participants in culture; we're pioneering architects, laying the foundations for future generations.

Climbing these mountains requires courage, perseverance, and a steadfast reliance on God's guidance and provision. Each mountain presents its own challenges and opportunities, demanding a unique blend of skills, passions, and divine insight.

Whether we're called to the high-stakes world of politics, the creative realms of arts and entertainment, the formative grounds of education, or the intricate dynamics of family and religion, our mission remains the same: to be salt and light, influencing and preserving the goodness in our society.

**Our presence in these areas is a testimony to the kingdom of God, showcasing what it looks like when His principles and love guide societal norms and practices. **

Reflecting on the Seven Mountains of Influence compels us to consider our role in God's grand narrative. It's a profound reminder that our faith is not meant to be lived in isolation but to be demonstrated powerfully in the public square.

As we ascend our designated mountains, let us do so with humility, wisdom, and the assurance that God is with us every step of the way. **This journey is not ours alone; it is a collective call to believers everywhere to rise up, occupy our mountains, and become beacons of hope and transformation in a world desperately in need of the light of Christ. **

Together, we can shape a culture that reflects the glory and character of our God, ensuring that His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

## - The Act of Worship and Worth ship.

### Understanding the Essence of Worship.

Worship is a profound expression of our reverence and adoration towards God. It's not confined to songs sung in a church; rather, it encompasses the sacrifices we make and the lives we lead.

Reflecting on Abraham's readiness to offer Isaac, we're reminded that genuine worship demands something of value. It's in relinquishing what we hold dear, entrusting it back to God, that we truly worship.

This act of faith is not just about giving up; it's about giving over to God, acknowledging His sovereignty and our complete dependence on Him. When we do this, our worship becomes a powerful testimony of God's worthiness in our lives.

### The Cost of Worship.

Worship that costs nothing is worth little. The essence of worship lies in its cost, the worth we place on God, which is exemplified by the sacrifices we're willing to make. Abraham's journey to Moriah was fraught with emotional turmoil, yet his unwavering faith in God's promise turned his potential loss into a significant act of worship.

This story challenges us to examine our own lives: What are we holding onto that God is asking us to surrender? Recognizing that true worship requires sacrifice, we must be willing to lay down our ambitions, dreams, and even the blessings we've received, acknowledging that everything we have is from and for God.

### Worship as a Response to God's Call.

Our journey of faith is marked by moments when God calls us to build altars in the places, He has brought us to. Abraham's act of building an altar on the mountain wasn't by chance; it was a direct response to God's command.

In our lives, these altars represent the points of surrender, where we choose to worship God not just with our lips but with our actions and decisions. Whether it's in our personal lives, our workplaces, or in the midst of trials, these acts of worship are our responses to God's call, demonstrating our trust and submission to His will.

### Worship as a Memorial.

Each act of worship creates a memorial, a lasting remembrance of God's faithfulness and provision. Just as Abraham's sacrifice on the mountain became a testament to God's provision of a ram, our sacrificial worship becomes a memorial of God's presence and intervention in our lives.

These moments stand as powerful reminders to us and to others of how God can turn our obedience into blessings beyond our imagination. They encourage us not only to trust in God's provision but also to live lives that continually acknowledge His worthiness.

### The Outcome of Worship.

The true value of worship lies in its ability to transform us. As we offer our sacrifices to God, acknowledging His worth above all else, we open ourselves to receive His blessings and guidance. Worship is not a transaction but a transformation.

It changes our perspective, helping us to see our trials as opportunities for God to demonstrate His protection and provision. By prioritizing worship in our lives, we invite God to work through our sacrifices, turning our obedience into avenues of blessing.

This transformative power of worship ensures that we're not just giving up something; we're gaining so much more in return—closer communion with God, a deeper understanding of His will, and the assurance of His unfailing provision.

## - Protection and Provision.

In the stirring narrative of Abraham and Isaac, we're offered a vivid glimpse into God's unwavering protection and provision. As Abraham raised his hand, fully prepared to offer his son, he was met not with demand, but with divine provision.

This moment transcends time, serving as a poignant reminder that, often, when we're poised to face our greatest fears, God intervenes in ways unimaginable. His protection wraps around us, shielding us from harm's way, while His provision emerges, sometimes unexpectedly, addressing our needs in the most miraculous manners.

Whether it's a ram caught in a thicket or a solution to a problem we've wrestled with in the dark, God's provision is timely and precise. It transforms potential losses into blessings, turning what seemed like an end into a new beginning.

Our journey, steeped in moments of sacrifice and punctuated by challenges, is far from a solitary one. Each step we take, especially those leading us up our individual mountains of influence, is guided by an unseen hand.

Our acts of worship, deep and costly, become the very essence that defines our relationship with the Divine. They are not just acts of surrender but powerful affirmations of trust in God's sovereignty.

As we reflect on the multifaceted dimensions of God's provision—from the altars of sacrifice to the summits of societal impact—let us carry with us the enduring promise that the Lord will provide.

This isn't a mere whisper in the darkness but a shout of victory in the light. It's a declaration that propels us forward, fuels our faith, and shapes our engagement with the world. The assurance of God's protection and provision is not just for the moments of acute need but for every step of our journey.

Let this truth infuse us with hope, stir us into action, and embolden us to climb our mountains with confidence. For in our obedience, worship, and unwavering faith, we find the provision of the Lord—not just for ourselves but for the world we're called to influence.

As we navigate through life's uncertainties and trials, may we always remember and rejoice in the promise that the Lord will provide.

## FAQ.

**Q: What does it mean when we say, "The Lord will provide"? **

A: Saying "The Lord will provide" is an affirmation of faith, recognizing that in moments of need, uncertainty, or challenge, we can trust in God's unwavering support and provision for our lives. It's a reminder that we are not alone, and that God's resources and care are infinite.

**Q: How does the story of Abraham and Isaac relate to our own sacrifices? **

A: Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, serves as a powerful example of faith and obedience to God. It prompts us to reflect on our own lives and consider what we might be holding onto too tightly. True sacrifice involves surrendering our dearest dreams and possessions to God, trusting Him to guide and provide.

**Q: What are the "Seven Mountains of Influence" in culture? **

A: The Seven Mountains of Influence refer to the key areas of society we're called to impact for Christ: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion. These mountains represent the battlegrounds where cultural values and norms are established and can be influenced positively for the kingdom of God.

**Q: How can identifying our mountain of influence help us fulfil our God-given calling? **

A: Identifying our mountain of influence helps us understand where we are uniquely equipped and positioned to make a difference. By recognizing our sphere of influence, whether it be in business, education, the arts, or another area, we can more effectively use our talents and opportunities to serve God and impact society.

**Q: Why is worship considered an act of sacrifice? **

A: Worship is considered an act of sacrifice because it involves offering something of value to God—our time, our attention, our resources, or even our dreams—as a sign of reverence and submission. Just like Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac was an ultimate act of worship, our sacrifices express our acknowledgment of God's worth and our trust in His provision.

**Q: How does God provide protection and provision in our lives? **

A: God's protection and provision in our lives can manifest in various ways, including shielding us from harm, supplying our needs, and turning challenging situations into opportunities for growth and blessing. The story of Abraham and Isaac highlights how God can provide exactly what we need, even when we least expect it.

**Q: What role do we play in fulfilling our divine calling and impacting the world? **

A: We play a crucial role in fulfilling our divine calling by identifying our areas of influence, being willing to make sacrifices for God, and actively seeking to bring light and change to the mountains of society. Our worship, obedience, and trust in God's provision empower us to make a lasting impact on the world around us.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network